Hola, iam Jason Thompson, Have a nice day.

Is Pittsburgh Colder Than New York? [Solved]

All in all, climates are similar. It will not be nearly as shocking as it would be if you were moving from Miami to NYC. It’s just that Pittsburgh is a little colder and has a bit more snow in winter. You are already used to snow in NYC, so it won’t make a big difference.6 Jan 2022

What Happened When They Banned Cars

Streets like Market Street in San Francisco, State Street in Madison, and 14th Street in

The 10 WORST GHETTOS I’ve Ever Driven Through in the United States

These places will make you sick to your stomach. Looking for a foreclosure in one of these cities? Check them out here: Atlanta, …

Ohio - The US Explained

Ohio. It sits between the Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley, where the Midwest, with its flat expanses of farmland meets Appalachia, …