Hello, iam Jesse Merrick, Have a pleasant day.

Is It Okay To Wear A Hat To A Bar? [Solved]

Meaning, when you arrive inside a restaurant, cafe, bar, church, etc., you should take it off – if not immediately upon entrance, then certainly when you arrive to your table, seat, booth or pew.17 Nov 2015

The Sopranos - Take your hat off

————————————————————— Memorable scenes of The Sopranos TV Series. It was more than 2 years when …

Manager tells man he needs to remove his MAGA hat | What Would You Do? | WWYD

A restaurant manager wants a customer to remove his “Make America Great Again”

Whiskey Roots Custom Hat Bar in Nashville

Our first tv interview with RFD-TV! They came to our recent pop-up at the Graduate hotel here in Nashville and asked us about our …