Hello, iam Jose Christian, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

Is It Ok To Not Be Social? [Solved]

It’s okay to be less-social than other people They like to spend a lot of time alone. They’re solitary by choice, not because they want to be around people more often, but can’t. They have solo hobbies they enjoy more than being with people. When they do socialize they’re happy to do it in smaller doses.

The Key To Overcoming Social Anxiety

Today I’m going to show you how to overcome

‘Internet meme ruined my career’ BBC News

Model Heidi Yeh says an internet meme ruined her career and had a damaging effect of her family.

100K SPECIAL! | Ask Me Anything | Is It Ok To Be an Introvert? | My Girlfriend & Social Life

Hii Everyone! Recently my channel crossed 100k subscribers, and this would have