Hi, iam Kelsey George, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.

Is It Normal To Have Throbbing Pain After A Crown? [Solved]

If you are continuously experiencing pain after receiving a crown placement for more than 2 weeks that is when you should go back to the dentist. If the pain is so severe you can’t wait, we recommend scheduling an emergency dental visit to get the problem resolved as soon as possible.8 Jul 2021

Why Is My Dental Crown Hurting? | Elite Dental Group Singapore | +65 6333 4456

Either something called Pulpitis, which is the inflammation of the nerves inside your tooth or due to a heavy bite. Teeth that

What is Normal after Starting a Dental Crown? Pain, Sensitivity should you worry?

Dr. Tamisha Denis explains what to expect

What Causes Tooth Crown Pain? I Richardson Family Dentistry

Dr. Nish Kapadia of Richardson, TX talks about some possible