Hi, iam Henry Lavender, Have a pleasant day.

Is It Normal To Be In A Slump? [Solved]

Let’s not sugarcoat it: slumps happen. Even the most motivated, happy people can suffer from slumps now and then — whether from endless winter, hormones, or just life. But the good news is that even though they suck, there’s usually a way to speed up the process and dig yourself out.12 Apr 2018

You’re in a Slump — Now what?

Everyone hates

How to Get Out of a Slump and Play Better — An In-Depth Guide

Hey guys! Here are just my thoughts on the whole

Why You’re Always Tired Between 1pm - 4pm (and what to do about it)

You might have noticed that sometimes when the afternoon rolls around you become less productive. From roughly 1pm to 4pm, …