Hello, iam Eugene Mitchell, May your day be joyful.

Is It Always Night In Dayz? [Solved]

No it’s not. Night should be part of the game, but not be so debilitating. It lasts way too long and on the fast time servers it is a joke. day last a a few minutes and then night lasts a few minutes why not just a make it a freaking strobe light.2 Feb 2019

DAYZ STANDALONE TUTORIAL | Why is it ALWAYS night - How to find a Daytime Server

Per a comment below this might no longer work with the recent patch. Any feedback to confirm appreciated.. WHY

DayZ Xbox One Why is it always raining and night time?

Hey guys so today im just covering why

Lights and Darkness, How to Survive the Night [DayZ 1.0]

Welcome back everyone! This video is aimed at those of you who struggle playing