Greetings, iam Doris Ault, I hope your day goes well.

Is It A War Crime To Shoot Parachutists? [Solved]

The law of war does not prohibit firing upon paratroops or other persons who are or appear to be bound upon hostile missions while such persons are descending by parachute. Persons other than those mentioned in the preceding sentence who are descending by parachute from a disabled aircraft may not be fired upon.

To shoot at a pilot descending in parachute IS A WAR CRIME. (On Russian pilot killed in Syria)

A video analyzing the legality of the German military’s use of

The P-51 Mustang Pilot that Killed a German in his Parachute - Brutal True Story of Richard Peterson

This is the true story of World

What are the Rules of War? | The Laws of War | ICRC

Yes, even wars have laws. To find out more, visit ******** Rules of