Namaste, iam Alicia Zambrano, Peace out!

Is Focaccia Supposed To Rise? [Solved]

So, focaccia is made with yeast, which means you have to let the dough rise after kneading. Focaccia, just like most breads, needs to rise twice for about 1 hour each time. The second rise will give it a finer texture, more structured shape, and better bread flavor as the gluten continues to develop.15 Aug 2018

Focaccia Genovese: the original recipe from Marinetta 1946

Poor in its ingredients, but rich in its unmistakable fragrance and flavor, the Genovese focaccia or “fugassa” is a legendary …

How Traditional Italian Focaccia Bread Is Made In Bari, Italy | Regional Eats

Breaking away from the more well-known olive oil seasoned flatbread,

FOCACCIA MILLE BOLLE crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside WITHOUT GETTING YOUR HANDS DIRTY

You can not understand what satisfaction it is to make this Focaccia a thousand bubbles! Yes just so full of bubbles, so soft …